
Is Mira fertility worth it?


If you’ve ever tried tracking your cycles or your ovulation, you already know how tedious and inaccurate this process can be and I bet you’re already over trying to figure anything out with faint lines on ovulation strips.

Over a year ago I started trying to track my cycles with a random app and it frustrated me a lot that, since my cycles were a bit irregular, I couldn’t really accurately calculate my ovulation. So I automatically started wondering about my fertility. In order to figure our your fertility you have to go to your OB-GYN and they’ll recommend some blood tests for LH, FSH, AMH, Estrogen, Progesteron etc. and, of course, ultrasounds to see if your ovaries look healthy, if you’re ovulating etc.

That seemed a lot. And not to mention, these hormones differ from one day to the other and your fertility declines from one month to next. Fun, huh?

By a complete coincidence, I discovered Mira, a fertility tracking device, that promised to accurately predict ovulation. Mira is this egg-shaped device (how cute is that!!!) that is compatible with 3 types of testing wands: Mira Fertility wands, Mira Fertility Plus wands and Confirm wands. Mira Fertility wands track your LH (luteinizing hormone) levels and show a fertile window of up to 4 days, Mira Fertility Plus wands track your LH (luteinizing hormone) levels and E3G (estrogen) levels and show a fertility window of up to 6 days, helping you figure out your ovulation earlier and giving you the best chances at conceiving, and Mira Confirm wands that track your PdG (progesteron metabolite) levels and identify if you actually ovulated or not even when your LH levels are low.

Naturally, I was intrigued and I had to somehow test the accuracy of this device. So I went to my OB-GYN a day before I was supposed to be ovulating. I tested with a Mira Fertility Plus wand the day before going to my OB-GYN, so 2 days before the day I was supposed to be ovulating, then again the day after I went to my OB GYN, which was the day I was supposed to be ovulating and one more time the following day.

The day before my OB-GYN visit and 2 days before my predicted ovulation, my LH was a little elevated, but still very low compared to what it’s supposed to be when ovulating. The day before my predicted ovulation day, I went to my OB-GYN and the ultrasound indicated I was right on the cusp of releasing the egg. The following day I tested again and my LH and Estrogen levels were spiking, indicating ovulation. I tested again on the same day, in the afternoon, and my LH levels were slightly dropping. The following day, my LH levels were back down to what they were 2 days before ovulation.

Needless to say, I was incredibly impressed. And to all of the above add a tool that actually tells you if you ovulated or not and Mira is your own digital OB GYN. Tracking your fertility, your cycles has never before been this accurate!

Whether the main goal is to conceive or simply to track your cycles or check your fertility, this device is incredibly useful! No longer do you have to get an ultrasound in order to correctly and accurately detect your ovulation, it is as simple as waving a magic wand (pun intended).

And here’s a little secret, you can get 10% with your first order with KRISTINA10!
